After she recently withdrew from competition during the 2021 Summer Olympics, she said, “I just felt like it would be a little bit better to take a back seat, work on my mindfulness,” adding, “It’s been a long week, it’s been a long Olympic process, it’s been a long year.” After taking a break, Biles did go on to win a bronze medal in the balance beam final, and in the meantime, she’s been praised the world over for her bravery to be transparent, and real, about her mental health needs. Biles is far from alone in needing to take a break. Whether you’re a professional athlete or not, we all lead stressful lives, and that stress takes its toll—especially in the midst of a global pandemic. In one 2021 survey, out of 1,000 respondents, 77% reported experiencing employee burnout at their current jobs. At the start of 2021, after going through nearly a year of pandemic stress, a report from the American Psychological Association (APA) said that 84% of surveyed adults had experienced at least one emotion related to prolonged stress in the previous two weeks. The moral of the story? Even Olympians deal with less-than-ideal mental health. They just experience it publicly. “[Biles’] decision can help to move the conversation forward about mental health, as she eloquently demonstrated that even elite athletes ‘are human too,’” says Dr. Nekeshia Hammond, owner of Hammond Psychology & Associates. Sarah Gundle, PsyD, agrees and believes that Biles can stand as an example that it’s perfectly acceptable to take a break in the name of mental health. Dr. Gundle says, “She is bringing a greater awareness to the need to pay attention to your mental health, as well as noticing the danger signs that your mental health is in jeopardy. She is a groundbreaker.” What are some of these “danger signs”? Our experts share the following signs, along with tips to prioritize, and improve, your mental health.

Signs something’s not good for your mental health

Difficulty sleeping

If you’ve had difficulties in your life that you’re “losing sleep over,” this could be a clear sign that your mental health is suffering. According to Dr. Gundle, you’ll likely notice that you’ve been turning an issue over and over in your head every night instead of sleeping.

A loss of purpose

When your burnout is tied to your career, you may feel an utter loss of purpose. You may think, Why am I doing this? and Why am I even getting out of bed? Dr. Gundle calls this “a loss in your own sense of agency or drive.”

Eating too much or too little

Maybe you’ve completely lost your appetite, which Dr. Gundle says can happen. Or, as Dr. Hammond says, you could be eating too much, something that could be an effort to self-soothe.

Feeling irritable

Feeling irritable is a major hallmark of burnout. “Suddenly, you have irritability which impacts friendships, significant relationships, or your ability to function at work,” Dr. Hammond shares.

Disruptions in concentration

Are you finding that it’s nearly impossible to focus? A big disruption in attention or concentration could be a clear sign that you’re struggling. “When you are overwhelmed, stressed out, and physically exhausted, chances are you are feeling mental fatigue as well,” Dr. Hammond says. “Understanding the mind-body connection is a powerful tool to recognize when something is not good for your mental health.”

Loss of interest

When reflecting on danger signs of poor mental health, Dr. Gundle simply says: “You start losing interest in things that usually bring you joy.” If that knitting project or baseball game no longer makes you feel good, it’s time to check your mental health.

Social withdrawal

As a protective measure, those struggling with mental health often withdraw socially. It might feel better to be alone as opposed to plastering on a fake smile, but after a while, not connecting with others can be detrimental. “Mental health is tied to the quality of your relationships, your success at work and in love, and your ability to grow in many different areas,” Dr. Gundle says.

Increased anxiety

If you’re experiencing increased anxiety that impacts school, work, and/or daily functioning, you may be going through burnout, according to Dr. Hammond. She continues, “Mild anxiety can increase and interfere with your ability to concentrate, sleep, or eat. These symptoms can overwhelm you if left untreated and worsen over time.”

Sudden mood changes

Maybe you’ve been noticing rapid or dramatic changes in your mood, “especially depressed mood,” as Dr. Gundle adds. These fluctuations could serve as a warning.

Thought of self-harm

Perhaps thoughts of self-harm have been creeping into your mind. These ideations should never, ever be ignored, as they are serious signs of a mental health break. Dr. Gundle says that suicide can result from extreme cases of burnout, but if you’re experiencing suicidal thoughts, it’s crucial to seek help immediately.

Why taking a break is so important

Mental health on its own is so important, a fact that becomes even more apparent when it impacts other parts of who you are, from emotions to physical health to interactions with others. If you ignore the signs and symptoms of mental health concerns, depression and anxiety can “creep up” on you and affect your functioning, as Dr. Hammond says. Dr. Gundle remarks that when left unaddressed, stress and burnout can show up as chronic disease, mental illness, and hospitalization. “It is vital to recognize warning signs of mental health issues, so you can begin the healing process early,” Dr. Hammond says. “There is a lot of research that shows that early intervention can lead to a better prognosis and outcome.” What does healing look like after extreme burnout? While it’s different for everyone and requires a stock of your “internal thermometer to try to calibrate what in your life is fulfilling,” as Dr. Gundle notes, Dr. Hammond says that a path to healing can involve reaching out to friends and family, therapy with a mental health professional, mindfulness practices at home, a consistent exercise regime, proper nutrition, and more. Dr. Hammond says that the other perk of focusing on your mental health is building your resilience to face life’s tough circumstances.

Self-care isn’t selfish

When all the signs are pointing to a mental health challenge, push those feelings of shame or stigma aside and prioritize yourself. “It’s important to remember that people will follow your lead,” Dr. Gundle says. “If you over-apologize or sound shameful, people will treat it as something shameful. If you are direct, straightforward, and clear about how important your mental health is, most people will follow that lead.” This means saying no and creating boundaries, overlooking any pressure to take part in the “hustle and bustle” of societal trends, Dr. Hammond details. “There is a saying,” she says. “Self-care is not selfish, and it is absolutely true. The beauty of taking downtime is that taking a break can refuel you to be recharged and better able to manage stresses.” Next up, discover the 30 best apps to help your mental health.


Dr. Nekeshia Hammond, owner of Hammond Psychology & Associates in Brandon, Florida.Dr. Sarah Gundle, a clinical psychologist at a private practice in New York City.National Public Radio: “Read What Simone Biles Said After Her Withdrawal From The Olympic Final”Deloitte: “Workplace Burnout Survey”American Psychological Association (APA): APA: U.S. Adults Report Highest Stress Level Since Early Days of the COVID-19 Pandemic” Signs Something Isn t Good for Your Mental Health  How We Can All Follow Simone Biles  Lead - 34